Why you Might Want to Consult A Spine Expert

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Almost everyone experiences back pain at one point in their lives. Because of this, many people tend to believe that their pain/discomfort will go away with time. Some even turn to over-the-counter medications for some relief instead of seeing a doctor. Others resolve to some degree of rest in the hope of recovering and getting back to their normal mobility within no time. But this isn’t always the case. Some back pains persist for much longer, and if not addressed on time they might lead to more complex problems. How then will you know when it’s time to consult a Spine MD expert?

Physical Therapy Isn’t Working

Physical therapy is one of the commonly recommended conservative treatments for various types of back pains. Most people end up getting healed from back pain after strictly adhering to such therapy sessions. The treatment usually features a combination of motion, flexibility and muscle strengthening exercises. So, if you’ve been undertaking one, and there’s no notable improvement over a specific period, it’s time to consult a specialist.

Declining Quality of Life

Sometimes, you might be doing everything right. From religiously taking your over-the-counter medication, to getting sufficient rest. But the back pain continues nagging you for months. When this happens the quality of your life is likely to decline. You can no longer sit upright for a couple of minutes, climb the stairs, or get in/out of the car with ease. The moment you notice that you can’t perform your work like you use to, consider seeing a spine surgeon for proper diagnosis, and best treatment.

Your Arms or/and Legs Hurt

Back pain or neck pain that radiates outwards means that there’s an underlying collective problem. Most pains in your back occur when there is some damage to your spine. Now, body organs and parts have their nerves going through the spine. Therefore, when the back pain radiates to your legs and hands, it’s a sign that the nerves have been intruded upon. This could be a result of a herniated disc or other back problems. Those are compressing on nerves, causing you to even lose strength in your legs or arms. You need a specialist to help you resolve these symptoms by addressing the root of the problem.

Backache Associated Fever

There are several causes of fever in the human body. But if you have no other problem apart from backache, and you’re experiencing fever (be it on and off), it’s an indication of a more advanced problem. Although you might be able to counter the fever with over-the-counter medications, it’s the treatment of the actual problem that will give you lasting relief. Visiting a Spine doctor is the best choice you can make in such instances.

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